Sunday, August 21, 2016

We Are Being Forced Into Being Wealthy

Never has there been a time like this, where the Poor and Small Business Owners can GET FILTHY RICH by Claiming An UNTapped Market Of Building Wealth by Earning Millions Very Quickly! No I Am Not Talking About Some Get Rich Quick Scheme! The OUTDATED PRINCIPLE Society continues to teach us: Graduate high-school, Then go to college, Then get a good job with benefits, doesn't apply anymore. With more and more college grads unable to find work in their field and have student loan debt they can't repay, people loosing their jobs or can't find ones where they will earn more money, and the fact that the cost of living increasing annually making living on wages $7-$13/hr very difficult to survive on. Its Amazing that more people don't know about this well kept SECRET that The Wealthy Don't Want You To Know IT! 

If you were not lucky enough to increase your income this year as a result of getting a promotion, getting married or having a new baby, then you would have missed your chances to update your W-4 and increase your take home pay According to Society. Did you know that although you don't Qualify for a Pay Raise due to those circumstances, you can still get one, legally and ethically? True Story! 
America is NOT the best at explaining this concept to people! 

Just By Starting a Home Base Business, You are able to Legally Update and Change Your W-4 at work, in order to Maximize your tax deductions which then Increases your Take Home Pay by $200-$900 per check. This video Teaches Our 1st Strategy On How You Can Stop Over-Paying Taxes. For this you will need to print and fill out your W-4 Form, from the IRS Website, Follow the steps in this video and turn in your W-4 to HR to EARN INSTANT CASH BACK FROM YOUR PAYCHECK!
Go ahead and participate. You will see an Increase By Your Next Paycheck!

Lets face it. we are in a losing battle In this economy due to inflation. 

What can we do to solve it? You Can Start By Making Smart Choices About Your Money, Ways To Spend It And How To Grow IT! Change Your Mindset, Shift Your Income! 

Who Are We? Click Below

Ready To Get Started? If this makes sense to you and you are ready to change your circumstances and build wealth, 
Schedule An Appointment ASAP!

In 1999, the IRS re-instated the favorable tax treatment of home office deductions, and helped make tax planning more attractive for home based business owners. If you take your network marketing       business seriously, you will qualify for some serious tax advantages that are available to business owners, and in particular, home-based business owners. That’s the good news.  Continue reading this article here
Learn how to shift your finances and invest in yourself to secure a legacy.


Friday, August 12, 2016

What Do You Do When Your Income Is Not Enough?

What To Do When Your Income Is Not Enough To Pay Your Bills?

According to some people I have talked to when money is tight, they do the obvious: don't pay bills, reduce their bills(cut off cable, cut gym membership, go to the beauty shop less, spend less eating out, start couponing, get a roommate, rent a room, rent a parking space, sale clothes online, do something illegal to get quick cash, stay home with kids to stop paying daycare).

They also try to find a second source of income, like a second job. What happens if you fall in a unique situation such as:

You are limited with support or help with your children for additional childcare, so you can't work a second job (this was my case)

Perhaps the job you currently work won't approve time off to go to your new job interview...

Ready To Get Started? If this makes sense to you and you are ready to change your circumstances and build wealth, 

Call 833-500-7751 Today

You are disabled and have limitations in standing, lifting, sitting, etc., or You or a family member often have doctor appointments to attend?

What if you got a second job and have difficulty managing your
Schedule due to sleep deprivation, personal time off, etc., puts yourself at greater risk of being for many people to go without, involved in car accidents, and even death. As you end up missing social events and holidays, you may have additional stress, which leads to migraines, significant weight loss or weight gain, high blood pressure, fainting spells, digestive issues, and a slew of health issues.  Whoa! Be Kind To Your Body!

That becomes a way of life to many people to go without so much of what they desire and need. Many adults are not living the life they feel they deserve. People don't know there is a solution and the answer is not always finding a new career and going back to college, incurring more student loan debt. A long-term solution should be mandated and taught in schools everywhere. 

Instead of learning finances which would have helped me make a living and survive, My school district made it mandatory to learn a foreign language. I do not NEED Foreign Language in my everyday life. Isn't it very ironic that Personal Finances has become a Foreign Language To Most Americans? SMH!!

I guess I am different because I don't believe I was would've in this world just to pay bills and die. I have always wanted to live a life God Designed for me. 

Living life always hustling and struggling killed my spirit inside. I decided to do something about it when a friend of mine shared a post on Facebook; I hadn't worked a regular job since.

Some jobs will never pay enough. They are not designed to make you wealthy. They will keep your head slightly above water and bring in the same consistent paycheck every 2 weeks. 

Truth be told, with inflation increasing the cost of living at the rate of 4% every year, rent, childcare, food, transportation, clothes, etc., .continues to go up. In contrast, the JOBS continue to pay $7-$13/hr, NOT a survivable income in today's society, even if you cut expenses. Jobs DO NOT Pay COLA (Cost Of Living Adjustments). I can't imagine someone working 2-3 jobs and still barely getting by. It's even getting more challenging to call Government  Assistance.

I am not here to bash jobs; I am just stating facts. America is not the best at helping you find a solution. The solution to your problem is you have got to start a business. I don't mean a non-for-profit or a franchise or something with expensive monthly overhead to maintain.

Uncle Sam encourages us to start a business to avoid paying so much in taxes. W-2 employees are taxed the highest and first. That's why you all typically receive large refunds during tax season. That's because You overpaid taxes the previous year. 

If you had a business, you would have been able to keep that extra money you over-payed Uncle Sam. Business owners are taxed the least. Several tax deductions are available once you own a business, putting more money in your pocket year after year. Immigrants come to America, start a business and pave a better life for their families. American's seem to believe a business won't work or that they can't make it without a JOB. Change your mindset.

There are several home-based businesses you can be a part of for $200 or less. You can keep your regular job and do this on the side until you make more than what your current job pays you.

   I Highly Recommend Get Reviews 

Get Reviews is a Saas company consisting of a specialized group of marketing consultants and entrepreneurs who specialize in marketing consultants and entrepreneurs who grow their brands and customer base. Get Reviews also partners with remote independent contractors in the gig economy, bridging the income gap by providing a means to financial freedom

Our Business Model Is Perfect for Revenue Generation! If you are not involved, you are Leaving Thousands to Millions Of Dollars On the Table! If you are a professional engaged in digital marketing, growing your agency, or an affiliate in another part of the software and SAAS, our products and services are not ONLY complementary but essential to helping your current business grow and continue thriving! 

Many Professionals in the SAAS industry are finding by utilizing our business model, products, and services, they have Increased Sales and Revenue by more than 83% within 30-90

Anytime one of your clients uses any products or services you refer to them or becomes an associate, you earn monthly and weekly residual commissions. This additional income can be used for more marketing, paying off taxes and debt, paying bills, remodeling your building, payroll, purchasing more equipment and software, or simply rewarding your team with contests and luxurious vacations!

Ready To Get Started? If this makes sense to you and you are ready to change your circumstances and build wealth,

Call 833-500-7751 Now!!

What are my options if I do not start with Get Reviews?

Option # 1. If you choose to do nothing, you will continue struggling financially or lose more sales,  simple as that. A change is needed step to turn your situation around. Shift your mindset, then shift your income.

Option # 2. You can pray and hope God bless you with a good job (but inflation will set in) or pray you win the lotto or some rich family member dies and wills you thousands of dollars you can live off on. Yeah right!! Very rare!! But why leave your future to CHANCE?

Option # 3. You can go back to college to earn a higher paying field like a doctor, lawyer, scientist, etc. (this will take you 3-10 years to complete. You may also incur thousands of dollars of student loan debt. You may also not find employment right out of school, or you may not work in your field like numerous college grads. These positions do pay well but are physically demanding and come with long work hours and a lot of responsibility = limited time with family and friends = no time freedom)
